Please register for the workshops below If available, you will find more information by clicking on the sessions titles.
Monday, June 24, 2024
Parallel sessions a.m.
11:00 AM CEST
Round-table #1 - External arm or hybrid: moving foward 3.0 clinical research ?
11:05 AM CEST
Registration is open
Roundtable #2 - Are patients affected by slowly progressing diseases condemned to remain without treatment ?
11:05 AM CEST
Registration is open
Parralèle sessions p.m.
3:40 PM CEST
Round-table #1 - Digital Medical Devices : Where do we stand in their assessment and what healthtech stakeholders need to know?
3:40 PM CEST
Registration is open
Round-table #2 - Practical session : Emulated or simulated
3:40 PM CEST
Registration is open
Round-table #3 - Practical session : IA
3:40 PM CEST
Registration is open