09:30 - 13:00
09:30 - 13:00

Article 1: General provisions
These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “the GTCs”) are set up by the organizer, OVH, a simplified joint stock company, having a share capital 10 174 560 euros, its registered office at 2 rue Kellermann in Roubaix (59100), and registered with the RCS of Lille Métropole under number 424 761 419, acting in its own name and in the name and on behalf of its Affiliates (hereinafter “the Organizer”) of the “OVHcloud Summit Event” (hereinafter “the Event”).
The Event takes place in Paris at the Maison de la Mutualité located at 24 Rue Saint-Victor, 75005 Paris, on November 28 2024.
Some of the conferences held during the Event will also be available on the following website : summit.ovhcloud.com (hereinafter the “Website”), accessible to all, free of charge, provided that you have an internet connection.
Article 2: Acceptance of GTCs
Any online registration to the Event by a visitor (hereinafter referred to as “the Visitor”) is subject to the express and unconditional reading and acceptance of these GTCs in force at the time of registration. This acceptance, which is reflected by clicking on the button “Register”, can only be full and complete. Visitors who do not agree to be bound by the GTCs must not register for the Event. The GTCs are binding on the Visitor who acknowledges, by clicking on the button “Register” provided for this purpose, having been aware of and having accepted them before confirming his registration.
Article 3: Access to the Event with the badge
A badge gives access to the Event that will take place at the Maison de la Mutualité on November 28, 2024.
The Event will only be accessible to Visitors with a badge.
Each badge is personal and gives the Visitor access to the physical event and in particular access to conferences and workshops, subject to availability.
Access to conferences, workshops and sessions is in principle free, except in cases where access is limited by specific conditions or where access is limited to invited persons. It is the Visitors’ responsibility to check on the Website whether a prior registration is required in order to attend certain workshops, conferences or sessions. Access to session rooms, workshops and sessions will be possible subject to availability.
The titles and schedules of the sessions, workshops or conferences can be changed up until the day of the Event. If the description and schedules of the sessions, workshops or conferences are modified, the Organizer will publish, if necessary, the new description and schedule for each workshop, session or conference that has been modified on the Website.
Article 4: Registration price
Registration is free and gives access to the whole Event with the badge.
Article 5: Visitors’ obligations
5.1 Without prejudice to the other obligations set out herein, Visitors undertake to respect the laws and regulations in force and not to violate third parties’ rights or the public order.
5.2 In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of these GTCs, or more generally, of a violation of the laws and regulations by the Visitor, the Organizer reserves the right to take all appropriate measures and initiate any legal action.
Article 6: Personal data
6.1 Personal data (hereinaaer referred to as “personal data”) collected via the registrabon form are processed by AppCraa, which acts as the Organizer’s Processor for managing registrabons for this Event; the Organizer acbng as a Controller within the meaning of Regulabon (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protecbon of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinaaer referred to as the “GDPR”).
This data processing is necessary for the management of your registrabon and parbcipabon in the Event, as well as for the monitoring of performances during the Event.
6.2 The personal data relabng to Visitors and parbcipants to the Event are:- idenbficabon details: surname, first name, contact details, email addresses, telephone number;
- data relabng to the professional acbvity of the Visitor and/or parbcipant: company, country, funcbon, role, type of organizabon, type of company, sector of acbvity, department or service, interest;
- and data on their parbcipabon: conferences and workshops in which they are registered and parbcipate.
6.3 This data will be transmiged to:
- subcontractors parbcipabng in the organizabon of the Event (AppCraa for registrabon management and the provision of badge scan services, and the WMH agency for badge prinbng),
- to the Event Partners listed below, if the Visitor has accepted, as part of the registrabon form, that their personal data be communicated to them, or if during the Event, the Visitor has agreed to have their badge scanned by one of the exhibitors and/or sponsors and/or partners (see arbcle 6.4 below for more details),
- and the Organizer’s Affiliates.
The list of Event Partners: Sopra Steria, AMD, Inetum, Console Connect, Nutanix, Suse, Klee Group, REEL IT, Gigabyte, HYCU, Veeam, Open.
For the data transmiged to the Partners, it corresponds to all the data entered in the framework of the registrabon form when the Visitor and/or Parbcipant has given their consent in the framework of this form for the communicabon of their informabon to the OVHcloud Partners. If the Customer has given their consent by accepbng that their badge be scanned at the event venue, only the following data shall be transmiged to the Partners: Surname, First name, Email, Telephone if entered, Company, Role and any comments on the Parbcipants’ interests in relabon to OVHcloud products and/or partners or in relabon to the sessions/keynotes of the event.
6.4 The exhibitors and/or sponsors and/or partners of the sponsored conference sessions or of the exhibibon hall may wish to scan the Visitor’s badge in order to contact them to provide addibonal informabon or to respond to their interest in OVHcloud products and/or Partners’ products. The Organizer uses AppCraa to provide badge scanning services to exhibitors and/or sponsors and/or partners upon request. By authorizing the lager to scan the Visitors’ badge, the Visitor consents to the Organizer providing the exhibitor and/or the sponsor and/or the partner with the informabon detailed below and may then be contacted by the exhibitor and/or the sponsor and/or the partner aaer the Event.
6.5 The Visitor’s personal data are stored for ninety (90) days aaer the end of the Event.
Subject to the exercise of the data subject’s right of opposibon, the data collected may also be used and stored for a longer period:
- on the basis of the legibmate interest of the Organizer for the purpose of providing informabon on the Event (feedback) or on the organizabon of similar upcoming events: for the 180 days following the event;
- on the basis of the Visitor’s consent for the purposes of commercial and markebng prospecbng: unbl the withdrawal of consent or at the latest up to three (3) years aaer the last contact inibated by the Visitor with the Organizer and/or partner.
6.6 Shipments outside the European Union are subject to appropriate safeguards, including an adequacy decision by the European Commission and technical and organizabonal measures. In the event of transfer to an unsuitable country, standard contractual clauses with the recipient of the personal data are put in place.
6.7 In accordance with the applicable regulabons (the GDPR in parbcular), the Visitor has a right of access, a right of recbficabon, a right to erasure, a right to object to the processing of their data, a right to limitabon of the processing of their data and a right to portability of their data. The Visitor may exercise these rights at any bme by contacbng the Organizer by email at dpo@ovh.com or using the form provided for this purpose (by clicking on the hyperlink or available at this URL):
Lastly, the Visitor has the right to lodge a complaint with the The French Data Protecbon Authority (CNIL) or any other competent data protecbon authority.
6.8 To find out more about the personal data processed by OVHcloud, the Visitor can refer to the OVHcloud Personal Data Usage Policy available on the Organizer’s website.
Article 7: Personality Rights
Visitors are informed and accept that visual and/or audiovisual recordings may be made by the Organizer and/or exhibitors and/or its Partners, and/or wrigen and audiovisual press throughout the durabon of the Event and in all spaces open to the public (including exhibibon surfaces, conference rooms, Lounges, and outdoor spaces).
By registering, the Visitor authorizes OVHcloud and its Partners to:
(i) make, free of charge, visual or audiovisual recordings in connecbon with the Event, including but not limited to speeches or parbcipabon in conferences;
(ii) broadcast, publish and rebroadcast, free of charge, all videos or photographs including his image, voice or any agribute of his personality, in whole or in part in any form or media.
The aforemenboned mulbmedia producbons may, including but not limited to, be disseminated in OVHcloud brochures, newslegers, videos, tesbmonials, adverbsements, trade shows, website and social media.
Visitors will be able to exercise their right to access, recbfy and delete their image free of charge in accordance with the condibons set out in the arbcle “Personal data”.
Article 8: Intellectual property
The Event Website, as well as all of the elements that consbtute the Event, including graphic, textual and image elements, as well as company names, trademarks and logos, are the exclusive property of the Organizer (hereinaaer the “OVHcloud Intellectual Property Elements”).
Any reproducbon, disseminabon or use of any kind of OVHcloud Intellectual Property Elements without its express authorizabon is prohibited.
All data present on the Event, in parbcular, the illustrabons and textual data represented are the subject of intellectual property rights and are, depending on the case, the exclusive property of the Organizer and/or a third party having authorized the Organizer to use them exclusively.
Article 9: Health and safety measures concerning the physical Event
Visitors are required to comply with the Event's safety and sanitary rules.
Any use of radiocommunicabon equipment is strictly prohibited and must be subject to prior authorizabon by the Organizer.
In addibon, as part of the Vigipirate plan, the security team assigned to host the Event will be responsible for checking the idenbty and personal belongings of Visitors. Access may be denied to any person who refuses to comply with those security measures.
Specific health protocols may be applied upon entry to and during the Event. Access may be denied to any person refusing to comply with these health measures.
For safety reasons, it is strictly prohibited to introduce weapons, explosive, flammable or volable substances, bogles, containers, sharp or blunt objects and in general any object likely to serve as a projecble or any dangerous object. Any offender assumes his responsibility and is liable to be prosecuted; in addibon, any person who violates this prohibibon or likely to cause a disorder in the organizabon of the Event and/or the security of property and people will be excluded immediately.
Visitors are responsible for their personal belongings (including cameras, computers, handbags, etc.) during their presence at the Event, and the Organizer will not be held liable in the event of loss, thea or damage.
Flash photography and video recording are permiged for private and press purposes only, using hand- held equipment. Tripods and monopods are not allowed in any place of the Event. In special circumstances, an authorizabon may be granted by the Organizer.
Article 10: Changes to the Event
Visitors are informed and accept that certain changes to the organizabon of the Event may be decided by the Organizer.
Thus, without this list being limited, the programs, the speakers, the topics, the format and the schedules of the Event may be modified due to circumstances beyond the control of the Organizer and may give rise to subsbtubons,
The Organizer will inform the Visitor as soon as possible of any cancelabon, postponement or modificabon by publishing the updated informabon on the Website.
Article 11: Governing law
These GTCs are governed by French law and in parbcular by the French Consumer Code. In the event of translabon and contradicbon with another language, only the French version shall be authenbc.
Article 12: Disputes
In the event of a dispute arising, the Visitor must contact the Organizer’s customer support team by email or by post at the following address: event@ovhcloud.com
In the absence of an amicable agreement, any dispute or difficulty arising from the interpretabon or execubon of this Agreement shall be subject to the jurisdicbon of the courts of Paris.
Article 13: Interpretation of the Terms and Conditions
To the extent that there is any discrepancy or dispute between the wording/draaing of the French and English language versions, the terms of the original French language version shall apply and take precedence.
Article 14: Contact
Visitors wishing to obtain further informabon on the Event can contact the Organizer:
Email: event@ovhcloud.com
Address: OVH, agenbon of the Event department, 2 rue Kellermann in Roubaix (59100)
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