Women in Finance - Ring the Bell & Act

Friday, March 6, 2020,
8:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Key takeaways

Inclusive meetings - Hosted by Euroclear and Puilaetco
> pierre.slechten@euroclear.com

Use Insights Discovery® colors in both small and large organizations to get to know meeting participants
During remote meetings, make sure all participants are part of the meeting even if they are not physically there

Measuring is knowing - Hosted by BPost Bank, KBC, and P&V
> stefan.garaleas@kbc.be
> ann.bayart@pvgroup.be

You need an action plan, with concrete follow-up and reporting
Data need to be shared in full transparency

Tackling bias in promotion process - Hosted by Citi, and NBB
> Sarah.Ndayirukiye@nbb.be
> lars.seynaeve@citi.com

Employees have to be evaluated on their work performance and not on who they are
Need to assess the barriers in the promotion process as women do not always dare to apply
Need to tackle the unconscious bias of management & HR: the cards game or other techniques can help.

Making events more inclusive - Hosted by SWIFT

Ensure diversity in panels
Need for male advocates as well, to share their commitment to gender equality
Check intersectionality among invited participants (do you invite people of all ages, languages, origins, genders, roles ?) and among speakers

Mentoring programs - Hosted by Febelfin, and Euroclear
> Sophie.Bocquet@Euroclear.com

Are a means to boost the self-confidence of both mentees and mentors
Mentoring is not only about coaching but also about sharing and encouraging experiences
Simple programs can be started, but clear info on how to be a good mentor is needed.
Mentees also need to know they can ask for a different mentor if it doesn’t work.

Attention to parents - Hosted by BNP Paribas Fortis, and AXA
> brechje.moerman@bnpparibasfortis.com
> luc.vandemoortele@axa.be

Programs need to take both professional and personal changes into consideration
Communication about career options is key
Visible role models are important to encourage fathers and mothers to express their needs, and better juggle career and private life.

Building networks - Hosted by BNP Paribas Fortis, and ING
> Judith.Hanoune@ing.com
> anne-france.simon@bnpparibasfortis.com

Allow to promote, inspire and help people fulfill their professional life
Any encounter is an opportunity to grow
Mixed networks create a useful solidarity

Gender in talent programs - Hosted by ING
> Katrien.Goossens@ing.com

Succession plans challenge your Management and enable gender-balance in the long term. It is essential to act after identifying possible successors among women. Do they need more exposure? developing a specific skill? Have an action plan to make sure they will be ready when succession is open.
If you do not find the right female talent, seek one level lower. Further, develop the women talent pool in your organization

Gender as part of strategy - Hosted Ageas and Euronext.
> eddy.debrulle@ageas.com

Quotas are sometimes the only way to force inclusion and create new habits
Make promotion process accessible to women and let sponsors speak up for others
Do not build the strategy with a homogeneous group, but invite colleagues of all levels, genders, generations, origins, languages to contribute.